Spring has Sprung!
After months of grizzly and confusing weather, dare we say it’s starting to feel a little like spring? The air feels fresher and all those aromas of budding leaves are filling our lungs here at Butser. Yesterday we were lucky enough to witness the birth of our first lamb! From now on they’ll be popping out all over the place, and soon our flock will have doubled in size.Most excitingly, the A-frame of our wicker man has now been raised and the rest of the build will follow over the next few weeks, ready for our Beltain festival on 30th April. This year we have a brand new design that is rather different to our previous wicker men, but we’re hoping it will look grander than ever! As all Beltain-goers know, it’s very important to please the gods to ensure a hearty harvest…
Meanwhile, the wildlife on site is waking up to the bustle of spring. Yellowhammers, robins, dunnocks and blackbirds have been decorating the hedgerow behind the Roman villa, and the song thrush has been tooting her melodies in the forest by the car park. The goats are particularly happy, as the fresh air and sunshine means they can leave their wooden shack and play outside in the grass. The chickens are contented as ever, despite their ongoing hatred for the pheasants.